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Showing posts with the label handmade straw bag

Diy Straw Bag | How is Make ?

  Yes, girls, we don't buy our straw bags in summer, we make them ourselves. You know, when you see the price tags, people don't go to buy them :)) I'm always in favor of doing what I can do myself, which is more enjoyable and an incredible source of motivation. There is no one who does not know Ikea suplas, they are sold even in the markets for 10 TL each. The materials we need; 2 wicker bases Half a meter of two-color or optionally one-color fabric full length thin felt Bag handle or rope straw rope you bought from an old bag silicone gun Tiny objects you want to decorate First, we'll do the part between to connect the valves. We cut the felt as long as you want and cover it with fabric. I evaluated my fabrics at home. You can use any fabric you like with the pattern you like. As you can see in the images, we first shrink the fabric with a supla and stick it, this process can also be done by sewing, but I think it is both difficult and time-consuming. With a silicone